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Henry Moore

Henry Moore focus upon the aged body, the artist himself believed that hand could convey so much he said, 'they can beg or refuse, take or give, be open or clenched, show content or anxiety. they can be young or old, beautiful or deformed'. These words not only speak the truth but have so much depth in the way he represents them, and that in his work you can see how he represents hands. Moore chooses to use his own hands at the age of 80 and as you can see in his drawings Moore has a fascination with hands as he covers every detail with the use of lines and shading. I love Moore's work and I am delighted I am going on to use similar ideas and techniques when moving onto my personal project as I am going to be looking into the faces and figures of elderly people, similar to what Moore has created I am looking forward to using Biro pen to create a range of tones and shading with lines to give a much bigger meaning and effect.

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